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Does wireless charging work with the Samsung Galaxy A13?

samsung galaxy a13 app drawer in hand

Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Samsung Galaxy A13 is a fine choice if you want a functional and cheap Android phone, but does it have wireless charging? After all, wireless charging is convenient, and plenty of other phones have it these days. Find out below if this phone has wireless charging and what you can do about it.

Does the Samsung Galaxy A13 have wireless charging?

VIDEO: Is there wireless charging on the Samsung A13 and how to enable it

No, the Samsung Galaxy A13 does not have wireless charging. If you drop it on a wireless charging pad, nothing will happen. This is to be expected since phones in this price range usually don’t have wireless charging capabilities. You’ll have to spend around $500 to get a phone with wireless charging, although even in that price range, a lot of devices don’t have this feature.

You usually have to spend more for a phone with wireless charging.

However, the Galaxy A13 does have fast charging, so at least you will not be tied to cable for hours. A half-hour charge will net you around 20% battery, while two hours tops up the entire thing. Unfortunately, the trend of not including power adapters in the box has hit Samsung, too, so you will have to supply your own. 

How to add wireless charging to a Samsung Galaxy A13

VIDEO: How To Add Wireless Charging To Samsung Galaxy A13 5G
WebPro Education

All hope is not lost. You can add wireless charging to a Samsung Galaxy A13, but you will need an adapter. These plug into the USB-C port on the bottom of the phone and let you use wireless charging pads with your phone. These adapters are usually pretty thin so that they can slide between your phone and a case. That also means they are up and out of the way and stick to the back of your phone.

We have not tested these and cannot vouch for them, but these and similar options should bring wireless charging to your Galaxy A13. Remember, you will require a wireless charging pad, too.

The Nillkin Qi receiver

VIDEO: Samsung Galaxy A13 - Does It Support Wireless Charging

Nillkin Qi Receiver Promo Images

Matt Horne / Android Authority

To add wireless charging to your Galaxy A13, attach this receiver to the USB-C port and stick the flat, broad end onto the back of your phone. You can then insert your phone into a case if you wish. Just ensure it’s made of plastic so it does not interfere with wireless charging. It works with fast charging, too.

Note that you can buy it in a short version and a long version. The short version measures 9.3 cm, while the long one is 10.4 cm. If you’re unsure whether the long version will hit your camera lens or fingerprint scanner, opt for the short version. Options that have a Lightning or micro USB plug also exist, but these won’t work with the Galaxy A13.

Other options to consider

VIDEO: How To Add Wireless Charging To Any Android Phone
WebPro Education

There are plenty of other great options available on Amazon. They all work similarly to the Nillkin Qi receiver and are similarly priced. Check a few of them out via the links below.


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Author: Miguel Miller

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Name: Miguel Miller

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Introduction: My name is Miguel Miller, I am a variegated, vivid, ingenious, clever, brilliant, welcoming, important person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.